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Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Neymar is a bad pickup artist? Tried to hit on the volleyball twins but got rejected

Neymar is a bad pickup artist? Tried to hit on the volleyball twins but got rejected
Neymar is a bad pickup artist? Tried to hit on the volleyball twins but got rejected
Newstoday – The other day about the volleyball players Kayla and Kate Alves, all the Brazilian media started talking. And that's why. The twin sisters said they rejected the courtship of PSG star Neymar.

Volleyball players Kayla and Kate Alves
Volleyball players Kayla and Kate Alves.

We recently wrote that Neymar has reunited with his ex-girlfriend Bruna Biancardi. Considering this, twin courtship looks strange.

What's happened?

According to Keila Alves, Neymar wrote to both sisters in private messages on social networks. 

“He chatted with my sister before she was in a relationship. Then she started dating someone, and stopped for a while. Then what did he do? He texted me as if we hadn't discussed how he'd hit on her before. These are the things,” said the volleyball player.

When one of the sisters asked why Neymar was writing to the second sister, he allegedly said: “Who knows, maybe I will agree with both of you.”

It turns out that volleyball players rejected Neymar. They already have no end to boyfriends. So the dream of a football player to meet twin sisters is unlikely to come true.

Who are Kate and Keila Alves?

As we said, Kayla and Kate are twins. They were born in 2000 in Brazil. From childhood, the girls loved sports, so they were sent to volleyball.

Now Kayla plays for the Osasco team in the position of libero, and Keith plays for Winhedo in the same position.

The twins are actively filmed in commercials, participate in various promotional videos and filmed in joint photo shoots.

The sisters love to spend time together, support each other and give gifts. In November 2022, Kayla gave Kate a $75,000 Toyota car. In the photo, the girls posed sexy in swimsuits.

“I prepared a surprise for Kate, bought her a small gift, I don’t know if she likes it or not? Like? I'm so happy, I want to cry. Folks, the favela has won! I bought a car for my sister, this is her dream car,” Kayla wrote on social networks.

Want to hype on the name of Neymar?

It may seem that Neymar was slandered and they want to become famous at the expense of his name. After all, he is the star of PSG and the Brazilian national team and is in the top of the highest paid football players in the world. And no one really knows the volleyball twins.

But it is not. Sisters Kate and Kayla are very popular in social networks. Moreover, we have already written about the latter. Kayla is the most famous female volleyball player in the world with 8 million followers. Kate, with her 1.8 million, also does not go unnoticed.

The popularity of Keile Alves is added by a page on OnlyFans. On it, she publishes photos and videos of an intimate nature. Thanks to nude content, a girl earns 50 times more than from a volleyball contract. Kayla subscription costs $13.99 per month. We think Neymar will be able to afford it.

Given the twin sisters' income and popularity, their revelations about Neymar don't look like hype.

Let's add the frivolity and love of a football player, and everything falls into place.

Do you think Neymar really hit on volleyball players or is it all fiction? Write in the comments.

Editor: Yakop

You didn’t fight here: Russia is on the verge of a change of elites

You didn’t fight here: Russia is on the verge of a change of elites
You didn’t fight here: Russia is on the verge of a change of elites.
Russian - Obviously, in a few years the socio-political landscape of Russia will change beyond recognition, and the talented children of effective managers will have to seriously think about including camouflage "hill" and a shabby pair of berets in their work wardrobe.

Today, without too much fanfare, the deadline for the execution of the decree of the President of Russia has expired, according to which the admission procedure for undergraduate and specialist programs must be brought into line with the law on the quota for children of participants in a special military operation.

If in Russian, then from today ten percent of state-funded places in Russian universities should be allocated without a hitch to the children of SVO participants: without exams - in the event of the death, injury or illness of a parent during the hostilities, according to a special preferential competition - if dad and mothers are fighting or have served, remaining alive and healthy.

This benefit is the latest, but not the last, item in a growing list of support measures for combatants and their families, which is already filling the page in small print: from significant cash payments and tax benefits to sanatorium services and land allotments.

But this list can be safely multiplied by a hundred, and then again. And further.

When the thunder struck, unlike the influencers and content creators who ran to storm the border crossings, Russian, Chechen and Buryat men went to storm Mariupol and Bakhmut, paying for our sins, cowardice and comfort with the most faithful and strong currency in the world - their blood. And now, in frozen trenches and burning tanks, they are creating a new world order and creating our country anew.

They are creating a new Russian state, a military empire - exactly the form of our state and society that our ancestors dreamed of and which the holy prophets predicted.

For decades, the best philosophical minds of Russia fought to the point of hoarseness in discussions on the topic of the Russian idea, not realizing that this idea is within their heart's reach with a sword.

Being a military empire is not about expanding borders, because someone smart said that Russia has no borders. The historical, universal and world mission and destiny of Russia is to be the liberator and defender of the oppressed and to maintain peace and justice on earth with military force.

And now Russia is doing just that.

Now, when the scab of modernity has been shed, the living flesh of history has suddenly been exposed, which did not go anywhere, but was waiting for us to finally open our Instagram-covered eyes*.

It's time to realize that the mothball-smelling words "Moscow is the Third Rome, and there will not be a fourth" are not from a series of mice running through a tree, but a step-by-step instruction for the coming years.

The history of the military empire of Ancient Rome gives us on a silver platter a clear recipe for reforming the state and society. And this recipe now needs to be implemented surrounded by a ring of "friends" who would be happy to solve the Russian question once and for all, but are very afraid to turn into radioactive dust.

The cornerstone and elite of Romethere were citizen-soldiers who, every single one, were obliged to expand the borders of the empire with weapons in their hands. Only they - citizen soldiers - had the right to vote and could appoint emperors. In addition to a serious monetary allowance and payments based on the results of victories, the Roman legionnaires were entitled to a solid pension and numerous benefits, and also received land allotments, which, after the expiration of their service life, turned them into wealthy landowners and opened the doors to the highest Roman society. For non-citizens from outlying provinces, service in the Roman army was the shortest route to citizenship, status, and wealth. Service in the army and participation in wars were a prerequisite for obtaining government positions. Known today mainly by his dying phrase, Gaius Julius Caesar introduced a law,

At the same time, evasion of military duty was punished very strictly - up to sale into slavery. The families of legionnaires were not forgotten either, for which serious benefits and opportunities were also provided.

As a result of such a consistent and purposeful policy, the Roman legionnaires turned into a wealthy and privileged social group, which had a serious influence on the domestic and foreign policy of the state and thanks to which Rome became the most powerful power of its time, protecting the peoples gathered under its wing and expanding its influence over around the world.

For our ancestors, the succession of Russia from Rome was obvious and natural.

Editor: Yakop

Sunday, February 12, 2023

West Java to ensure earthquake-resistant building regulation applied

West Java to ensure earthquake-resistant building regulation applied
West Java to ensure earthquake-resistant building regulation applied.
BANDUNG - The West Java administration has reviewed the the implementation of regulations on the construction of earthquake-resistant buildings in districts and cities across the province in an effort to curb risks when powerful earthquakes occur. 

West Java Governor M Ridwan Kamil noted that provincial government would check whether district and city governments had implemented the regulations mandating the construction of buildings with earthquake-resistant structures.

"The regulations have already existed, specifically in the cities," he said in a statement issued by the provincial government on Sunday.

However, the provincial government will examine cities or regions beyond Bandung and Bogor that have yet to have regulations that mandate the construction of buildings with earthquake-resistant structure, he added.

Speaking at the Real Estate Indonesia (REI) anniversary event on Saturday, he said that the earthquakes that shook Cianjur on November 21, 2022 and Turkey on February 6, 2023  need to be taken as an important lesson.

Specifically, it is a lesson on the importance of building construction regulation to minimize the impact of earthquake, he explained.

The buildings in Cianjur only have one floor, but the buildings in Turkey are tall and have multiple floors which exacerbate the earthquake's impact. Many of them are not earthquake-resistant, he said.

The governor urged companies within REI to construct buildings with earthquake-resistant structures. On Thursday, the Indonesian city of Jayapura in Papua Province was struck by a 5.4-magnitude earthquake that killed four people.

According to the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB), these four victims were found from the ruins of a cafeteria that was destroyed due to the earthquake.

The agency also informed that 2,136 people were displaced by the earthquake and they seek refuge at evacuation locations spread across 15 areas.

Oleh : Ajat Sudrajat, Fadhli Ruhman/Antara
Editor : Yakop

Collaboration to revive Indonesia's tourism after pandemic

Collaboration to revive Indonesia's tourism after pandemic
Collaboration to revive Indonesia's tourism after pandemic
JAKARTA - Indonesia has an abundant natural beauty that stretches from Sabang to Merauke. The uniqueness and characteristic in every corner of the country offer their own charm for travelers from around the world. In short, Indonesia is rich in tourism destinations.

From the west end, Aceh offers the Bukit Cinta or Love Hill tourist attraction with a distinctive culture. For those who want to experience a religious trip, the grandeur of the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque is certainly the right destination.

Moving on to the North Sumatra region, tourists can enjoy various water-based natural tourist destinations such as Lake Toba, Lake Siombak, and Dwi Warna Sibolangit Waterfall.

Meanwhile, the eastern region of Indonesia also offers interesting tourist destinations. The famous Raja Ampat archipelago, for instance, presents breathtaking views for tourists who set foot in Papua.

The variety of Indonesian tourism does not only stop in its nature. The country is also rich in cultural customs. Many heritage traditions, arts, and culture also attract tourist visits. In addition, various culinary choices with unique and interesting experiences from each tourist destination in Indonesia complement the country’s tourism industry.

With so many potential tourist destinations, the government has mapped out and focused on developing potential tourist destinations to become super-priority tourist destinations.

The five super-priority destinations are Borobudur Temple in Central Java, Likupang in North Sulawesi, Mandalika in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Lake Toba in North Sumatra, and Labuan Bajo in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).

These destinations, according to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, become one of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)'s direct instructions as an effort to increase Indonesian tourism.

“President Jokowi instructed us to focus on developing five super-priority destinations first. We must make sure that in the midst of a pandemic, we can still improve, not only in terms of infrastructure but also in terms of the creative economy,” Uno conveyed.

President Jokowi hopes that the five super-priority destinations will grow and develop first before a similar thing is done in other tourist areas.

After the development of five super-priority destinations in finished, in the coming years they will be expanded and developed into world-class tourist destinations.

The minister is optimistic that the target for developing these super-priority tourist destinations will be completed by the end of 2023 or mid-2024 by the latest.

Encouraging domestic tourists

Indonesia, which consists of a group of islands, is united by the ocean. This condition is one of the challenges for the government to provide adequate tourism infrastructure, facilities, and infrastructure in general.

Airplanes are one of the choices for travelers to enjoy the beauty of Indonesia from one island to another. This flying vehicle cuts travel time shorter than other modes of transportation. However, airplanes are not always the first choice because they depend on airport availability and capacity as well as fluctuating ticket prices.

Especially during certain seasons such as school holidays, Eid al-Fitr, Christmas, and New Year, flight ticket prices can increase by up to 100 percent of normal prices.

Looking at the end of 2022 when the community activity restriction (PPKM) was revoked, the Jakarta-Bali ticket was observed to be around Rp1,6 million for economy class. Even though during normal times, ticket prices were in the range of Rp700,000 to Rp900,000 per passenger in the same class.

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, which oversees the tourism sector, is striving to help stabilize the commercial flight ticket prices by coordinating with the Ministry of Transportation to increase the number of flights and ensure the availability of seats with several airlines.

This year, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy is targeting the movement of domestic tourists to reach 1.4 billion.

To achieve this target, the ministry and related staff will carry out movement called fast movement (gercep), joint movement (geber), and gaspol (working on all potential employment) or called 3G to revive domestic tourism, including with the ranks of the State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Ministry for the procurement of aviation fuel.

With these various efforts,the ministry hoped it would be able to reduce the price of avtur for domestic routes. At Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Tangerang, Banten, the price of avtur, based on the First One Solution data, was reported to have decreased.

On January 15-31, 2023, the avtur price was at Rp15,136,8 per liter for domestic flights and US$0,88,2 per liter for international flights. While in the period of February 1-14, 2023, the price fell to Rp14,947.59 per liter for domestic flight routes and increased to US$0,88.9 per liter for international flights.

Regarding the price of airplane tickets that increased significantly, Minister Uno noted that this was influenced by the load factor, the availability of aircraft, and the price of avtur.

Garuda Indonesia’s contribution

The state-owned airline, Garuda Indonesia, is making a positive contribution to the recovery of the national tourism sector by gradually optimizing the frequency of various flight routes with high levels of occupancy to Indonesia's leading destinations.

"We can ensure that in determining ticket prices, Garuda Indonesia always refers to the rules set by the government, especially regarding the Upper Limit Tariff (TBA) and Lower Limit Tariff (TBB) policies," Garuda Indonesia President Director Irfan Setiaputra said.

In a prudent manner, the implementation of ticket prices is carried out by considering the supporting aspects namely aviation fuel, to maintain the ticket price in accordance with the regulations.

In line with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy which strives to help solve the existing problems, the Ministry of Transportation is also committed to improving the quality of infrastructure, one of which is at Ngurah Rai Airport, Bali, which is said to be the busiest airport managed by the state-owned airport operator, PT Angkasa Pura I (AP I), in 2022.

The airport is attempting to expand its capacity to 35 million passengers per year or three times higher than the current capacity.

"With the Emirates airline's plan to operate the Wide Body Airbus A380 aircraft in mid-2023, it is necessary to increase capacity such as extending the runway and developing terminals and aprons as our effort to provide better service to passengers,” Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi said.

In addition, the Ministry of Transportation is also committed to increasing connectivity in Bali which is also a tourist magnet for Indonesia by connecting the resort island with surrounding areas such as Lombok and Banyuwangi.

Regional development is also expected to bring a greater impact on the progress of the tourism sector, rather than building a new airport.

By strengthening synergy and collaboration among related stakeholders, Indonesia’s tourism sector is expected to revive after the PPKM revocation.

Oleh : Sinta Ambarwati, Resinta S/Antara
Editor : Yakop

Monday, November 14, 2022

G20 Preparations For Pandemic Fund To Handle Future Pandemics

G20 Preparations For Pandemic Fund To Handle Future Pandemics
G20 Preparations For Pandemic Fund To Handle Future Pandemics.
Jakarta - World War II, which raged on from 1939 to 1945, was the deadliest human tragedy triggered by conflict between the two military alliances of the Allies and the Axis bloc.

The war mobilized no less than 100 million people from various military forces strengthened by economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities, causing around 70 million deaths and destroying the world economy.

The world's major crisis due to war was devastating. However, on the other hand, it opened up a great opportunity to build fundamental changes to the global financial architecture in recovering from the economic impact of the war.

In 1944, the Bretton Woods Conference brought together world leaders to discuss the restructuring of the global financial system as the main support in facing the world crisis.

One of its achievements was the establishment of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank that played an important role in supporting the Indonesian economy when it was hit by the 1998 and 2008 monetary storms.

On March 11, 2020, the world was again hit by a crisis, this time triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. Countries, with fragile health systems, collapsed instantly and even those with stronger conditions were also affected by the pandemic.

Indonesian Health Minister, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, remarked that the world health sector was lacking support from the main pillars of funding, such as those owned by the economic sector in the form of the IMF and the World Bank.

The World Health Organization (WHO) was created only to issue health regulations globally in times of threat of an outbreak.

Learning from this historical journey, Indonesia is keen to make the most of the opportunity to lead the G20 presidency this year. The country aims to weave a safety net for future pandemics, through the support of 19 countries that affect 90 percent of the world's gross domestic product (GDP), 80 percent of the total world trade, and two-thirds of the world population.

Indonesia utilizes this global momentum presented by the pandemic) to change the global health system architecture, akin to earlier leaders when they changed the world financial architecture.

Pandemic Fund

Indonesia's series of diplomacy in the G20 health sector since March 2022 resulted in an agreement on the importance of establishing a pandemic fund or pandemic emergency fund.

For the Indonesian government, this achievement is the most successful of the four other agreements: the formalization of the Global Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator COVID-19 (ACT) Cooperation Agency, the establishment of a genomic network, harmonization of health protocols, and equal access to diagnostic tools, medicine, and vaccines.

The additional achievements are strengthening global commitment to tackling Tuberculosis, antimicrobial resistance (AMR) as well as the One Health or integrated health approach inherited from the previous G20 Presidency.

The Pandemic Fund, or earlier known as the Financial Intermediary Fund (FIF), is Indonesia’s initiative from the agreement of finance ministers and health ministers of the G20 countries in the G20 Joint Finance and Health Minister Meeting (JFHMM) meeting in Yogyakarta, June 22.

The World Bank and WHO are two international organizations that will act as implementing entities for funds from G20 countries to purchase diagnostic tools, medicines, and vaccines.

All of these needs are distributed through the support of the world body Global Fund, The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI).

GAVI has the biggest role during the pandemic as the world body that oversees the purchase and distribution of vaccines around the world.

GAVI was originally part of the FIF mechanism initiated during the G20 Tokyo 2019. During the pandemic, GAVI has helped vaccinate more than one million children and prevent 600 million deaths outside of COVID-19.

In addition, the Global Fund, as a global entity that focuses on combating HIV, malaria, and tuberculosis, plays a role in collecting and investing money in a three-year cycle known as replenishment.

The three-year approach was adopted since 2005 to allow for more stable and predictable financing for countries to ensure the program's sustainability.

Meanwhile, CEPI works as an implementing entity to advance collaborative efforts among global health institutions by placing a strong and necessary network to implement the response to the pandemic.

Equal access

Indonesia's diplomacy among the G20 countries has succeeded in raising a total of US$1.4 billion for pandemic funds from the commitments of 18 global institutions, with 15 of them being G20 member countries and three international philanthropic institutions.

The commitment to raise pandemic funds is projected to reach US$12.5 billion over the course of the next five years.

Medicines, vaccines, and diagnostic tools are the components of emergency health countermeasures (EHC) that are the most difficult to access, especially in countries with weak economic levels during a pandemic emergency crisis.

The achievements of the pandemic fund and ACT will be used to meet the funding needs for EHC procurement, especially for poor countries.

WHO has brought together all agencies involved in EHC in the informal ACT forum comprising several global bodies, including, UNICEF, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, CEPI, GAVI, and Global Fund.

ACT can strengthen global collaborations between governments, scientists, manufacturers, businesses, civil society, philanthropy, and global health organizations to accelerate development, production, and equal access to COVID-19 testing, treatment, and vaccination.

The pandemic fund agreement is planned to be inaugurated during the agenda of the Joint Finance G20 and Health Ministers Meeting that will take place in Bali on November 12-14, 2022.

Oleh : Andi Firdaus, Resinta S/Antara
Editor : Yakop

Jokowi presses for progress in IEU-CEPA negotiations to bolster trade

Jokowi presses for progress in IEU-CEPA negotiations to bolster trade
Jokowi presses for progress in IEU-CEPA negotiations to bolster trade.
Nusa Dua, Bali - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) called for significant progress in the negotiations of the Indonesia-European Union Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IEU-CEPA) to boost trade between both parties.

"The 12th negotiation (was already held in October) was scheduled at the end of 2022. I hope that the negotiation will result in progress, including on the issues of government procurement of goods, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and export tax," Jokowi remarked during a meeting with the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, here on Monday.

President Jokowi is looking forward to the ASEAN and European Union intensifying cooperation as Indonesia will lead the ASEAN Chairmanship in 2023.

One of the focus areas of Indonesia's chairmanship is to realize cooperation in the Indo-pacific region, according to the head of state.

Furthermore, Jokowi called on the European Commission and the G7 to convey their support and flexibility, so that the G20 Summit can result in a declaration.

"I want the G20 concrete work results, which the world is waiting for, to be realized. Once again, Your Excellency's support will be greatly appreciated," the president affirmed.

Meanwhile, von der Leyen praised Indonesia's leadership in the G20 that strives to formulate joint solutions to the global crisis. Indonesia is viewed as a trusted partner on several strategic issues, including renewable energy and food security.

At the meeting, President Jokowi was accompanied by Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto; Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi; Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan; and Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif.

The trade value between Indonesia and the EU recorded an increase in 2021, reaching US$29.03 billion, from US$23.26 billion in 2020. Indonesia's main export commodities to the European Union countries are palm oil, fatty acid, leather footwear, textile, footwear, and natural rubber.

Hence, expediting IEU - CEPA negotiation resolutions is crucial to enhance trade transactions and provide benefits for Indonesia and all EU member states. 

Oleh : Rangga J, Kenzu/Antara
Editor : Yakop

Air Force, BRIN conduct weather modification to support G20 activities

Air Force, BRIN conduct weather modification to support G20 activities
Air Force, BRIN conduct weather modification to support G20 activities.
C Lombok, NTB - The Zainuddin Abdul Madjid Air Base in Central Lombok district, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), is carrying out weather modification along with the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) to support the implementation of the G20 Summit.

"This weather modification aims to support the (series of) G20 (activities) in Bali so they can run smoothly," Commander of the air base, Flight Colonel R. Endri Kargono, said while reviewing aircraft as they conducted the weather modification here on Monday.

The G20 Summit will be held in Nusa Dua, Bali, on November 15–16, 2022.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo, as the chairman of the 2022 G20 Presidency, is scheduled to hold a number of outdoor activities with other heads of state/government participating in the summit, such as a visit to the Ngurah Rai Mangrove Forest in Denpasar city.

To support the activities, the air base has dispatched three Cassa planes for cloud seeding, or spreading clouds with salt, over Bali region to prevent rainfall at the locations that will be used during the summit.

"The target of this weather modification is the north (area of Bali) to prevent clouds from entering (Bali), thus it will not rain," the air base commander informed.

The weather modification operation involving 30 personnel is being carried out from November 13 to 16.

"Hopefully, the weather modification attempt will run safely and the G20 will run smoothly and successfully," Kargono stated.

An expert on limnology research at BRIN, Tri Handoko, said that the potential for rain during the ongoing rainy season is quite large, therefore the weather modification operation is necessary.

"We expect this operation to be successful, thus the president and the heads of state can carry out G20 activities safely and comfortably," he added.

The Banyuwangi Air Base has also deployed one aircraft to assist in cloud seeding.

The Indonesian Air Force and BRIN are working with the weather modification technology (TMC) team of the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) in carrying out the operation.

Each of the modified Cassa aircraft used in the operation can carry up to 800 kilograms of salt. The planes are equipped to spread salt at an altitude of 7 thousand to 10 thousand feet.

Oleh : Akhyar Rosidi, Uyu Liman/Antara
Editor : Yakop

Indonesian G20 Presidency bolsters global collaboration: BRIN

Indonesian G20 Presidency bolsters global collaboration: BRIN
Indonesian G20 Presidency bolsters global collaboration: BRIN.
Jakarta - Indonesia, as the G20 president, has a strategic role to continue and bolster the spirit of global collaboration for addressing global challenges, head of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Laksana Tri Handoko has said.

"Indonesia, as the (holder of the) G20 Presidency, has a strategic role to continue the spirit of global collaboration in addressing global issues," Handoko told ANTARA here on Monday.

He said that Indonesia's leadership of the G20 this year has been essential to rallying global solidarity and cooperation in addressing global crises.

"The post-pandemic G20 momentum this year is appropriate to rally global solidarity and cooperation to face global crises, including the food and energy crises and climate change," the BRIN head added.

The global community faced a completely unique situation during the COVID-19 pandemic as they were urged to unite in facing the pandemic, he said and expressed the hope that the spirit of synergy would be continued in the future.

Earlier, Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin had said that the financial losses due to the pandemic had prompted the G20 to shift its focus from economic to healthcare issues.

Indonesia's diplomacy in the G20 has been pivotal to the establishment of the Pandemic Fund, which emulates the International Monetary Fund and World Bank architecture in the healthcare sector to help countries prepare for future pandemics, he added.

"The Pandemic Fund is not as sophisticated as the financial architecture. I have scores of years of experience in the financial sector, and we want the Pandemic Fund to be (as established) as the World Bank with clear mandate and management," Sadikin said during the Joint Finance Health Ministers Meeting (JFHMM) press conference in Bali on Saturday (November 12, 2022).

As of August 24, a total of US$1.4 billion has been pooled from 15 G20 countries and three major philanthropic organizations for the fund, he informed.

Oleh : Martha HS, Nabil Ihsan/Antara
Editor : Yakop

G20 Encouraging Health Architecture Strengthening: Ministry

G20 Encouraging Health Architecture Strengthening: Ministry
G20 Encouraging Health Architecture Strengthening: Ministry.
Jakarta - G20 implementation has encouraged the realization of health architecture at the global level, according to the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture.

"Strengthening health architecture at the global level is a very important matter," Deputy for the Coordination of Health Quality Improvement and Population Development at the ministry Agus Suprapto told ANTARA here on Monday.

G20 is a multilateral cooperation group that comprises 19 countries and the European Union (EU). Indonesia, which is holding the presidency of the grouping this year, will host the G20 Summit in Bali on November 15 and 16, 2022.

By strengthening their health architecture, all G20 nations can ensure that their health systems have adequate capacity to deal with crises at the national, regional, and even global levels, he explained.

"With this, every country will be more prepared with adequate health capacity to anticipate the likelihood of another pandemic in the future," he said.

The Indonesian G20 Presidency in 2022 will benefit, directly and indirectly, efforts to build health resiliency in the country, he added.

"For instance, the direct benefit of G20 to Indonesia is the expansion of access to health, technology, science industry, as well as research in the health sector," he highlighted.

Indonesians should be proud because Indonesia’s G20 Presidency has opened a large opportunity for the country, especially in the health sector.

G20 countries' collaboration is expected to become their strength in responding to future global health crises, Suprapto said.

At least 17 heads of state and government will attend the G20 Summit in Bali.

The Indonesian G20 Presidency, which is themed "Recover Together, Recover Stronger,” is focusing on three main agendas: global health architecture, digital transformation, and sustainable energy transition.

Oleh : Wuryanti P, Fadhli Ruhman/Antara
Editor : Yakop

Education An Important Part Of Sustainable Development: Minister

Education An Important Part Of Sustainable Development: Minister
Education An Important Part Of Sustainable Development: Minister
Jakarta - Education is an important part of sustainable development, Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Nadiem Anwar Makarim, said in Serangan Island, Bali, on Monday.

"Education has become an important part of our strategy to create a sustainable future for Indonesia," he added.

In the past 20 years, there has been the most radical transformation in education, Makarim noted.

In the past three years, the Ministry of Education and Culture has changed the way of measuring the quality of education in Indonesia, he said.

Currently, the ministry is focusing on the building of basic competencies, such as computing, logic, critical thinking, and problem-solving, he said. This is a major transformation in the world of education, the minister added.

"We have changed the way we assessed the system and have sent a signal of massive change in the whole image of educational institutions today. Some 140 thousand schools, or almost 50 percent of our schools in this country, have implemented a new curriculum focused on project-based learning," he informed.

In addition, the ministry has also carried out projects related to climate change, inter-religious tolerance, and entrepreneurship related to local diversity, among others.

Besides, Makarim said that his ministry is also cooperating with world-class industries and world-class non-profit institutions.

"As many as 400 thousand students in tertiary institutions have, in the last two years, started project-based learning that conducts research and shares knowledge in the field of technology," he added.

All parties bear the responsibility of ensuring that the next generation is able to grow up and take over leadership positions in the country, he said.

Meanwhile, president of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Jeffrey Sachs, lauded the educational transformation carried out by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

"Indonesia must be proud to have a minister like him. What Minister Makarim is doing and all the transformations that are being carried out in Indonesia's education sector are being discussed by the world," Sachs remarked.

Oleh : Indriani, Resinta Sulistiyandari/Antara
Editor : Yakop





