Tahu Crispy Cak79, located in Putussibau, Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. |
BorneoTribun Uncak – Crispy Tofu Fried Food is indeed one of the favorite and popular snacks in Indonesia, the crunchy texture is addictive.
Not only that, Crispy Tofu currently has many delicious contemporary fried innovations to eat.
One of them knows Crispy Cak79, who is located in Putussibau, Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Kalimantan Province.
Tahu Crispy Cak79, located in Putussibau, Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. |
Cak79 Crispy Tofu has many flavors, there are original flavors, balado, barbecue, grilled chicken, roast beef, sambal balado, sweet corn, grilled corn, sweet cheese, there is also additional round chili and sauce sachets.
In addition, the tofu ingredients used are also of high quality, because Cak79 always serves fresh tofu every day. Moreover, the taste is also very good, plus it doesn't taste sour or sour.
"Alhamdulillah, from the first time I opened until the last five months, my merchandise was selling well, where there was an increase or addition of the basic ingredient, namely Tofu," said Cak79 owner Noto Sujarwoto to BorneoTribun, Monday (24/1/2022).
Tahu Crispy Cak79, located in Putussibau, Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. |
Furthermore, Noto explained, the price of Crispy Tofu that he sells is quite cheap and very affordable, starting from a portion of Rp. 5 thousand, a portion of Rp. 8 thousand to a portion of Rp. 10 thousand.
He is able to sell more than 100 servings of Crispy Tofu a day. Even buyers are willing to queue up to enjoy the crispy and crunchy Cak79 tofu.
For those who are interested or who have a culinary hobby of tofu, please come to try it, let alone know that Crispy Cak79 is tofu which is a contemporary snack.
Noto, who is 42 years old, said that before selling Crispy tofu, he was a regional journalist in Kapuas Hulu online media Uncak.com.
The man who lives in Mentebah Subdistrict, Kapuas Hulu Regency, who is from Senakin Village, Sengah Temila Subdistrict, Landak Regency, currently prefers to trade Crispy Tofu rather than continuing his profession as a journalist.
After five years working as a journalist, Noto turned to selling Crispy Tofu fried food, due to economic factors. Plus, his eldest son is already in college.
"It's not that I didn't love my previous profession, namely as a journalist, but because of economic demands that made me switch professions to become a Crispy Tofu seller like now, especially since my eldest son has entered college, of course it requires quite a large amount of money," said Noto.
Noto admits that the proceeds from the sale are sufficient to meet the needs of daily life, starting from paying for rented houses, loans and so on.
Tahu Crispy Cak79, located in Putussibau, Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. |
"Alhamdulillah, praise God Bang, a good person like Mr. Edy Suhita who is often called Akok is willing to put me selling at his location without renting a penny. In addition, I also thank the loyal customers who have bought my merchandise so far," said the Muallaf man from the Dayak Ahe (Kanayatn) tribe.
Tahu Crispy Cak79, yang berlokasi di Putussibau, Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu. |
The Crispy Tofu is also known as Tahu Cak79, where "Cak" stands for Uncak Kapuas. While 79, is the year of his birth. Tofu Crispy Cak79 is open every day, starting at 16.00 WIB (Afternoon) until evening. (*)