Manado Naval Base (Lantamal VIII) has deployed a naval ship for a mass vaccination program in North Minahasa district, North Sulawesi province. (ANTARA/HO-Information Service of Lantamal VIII/uyu) |
BorneoTribun Manado, North Sulawesi - The Manado Naval Base (Lantamal VIII) deployed naval ship Tedong Selar II-VIII-28 to conduct a 'Maritime Mass Vaccination' program in Tambun Village, West Likupang Sub-district, North Minahasa District, North Sulawesi, on Saturday.
The commander of Lantamal VIII, Brigadier General I Wayan Ariwijaya, who directly led the activity, said that it was organized to support the government's efforts to expedite vaccinations.
"The activity is also our attempt to protect the residents of the region from COVID-19, thus they can carry out their activities safely," he added.
The mass vaccination program was held in accordance with the directive issued by Navy Chief of Staff, Admiral Yudo Margono, to all navy personnel to help curb the transmission of the coronavirus, he said.
He then urged the people of the village to participate in the vaccination program and build herd immunity by receiving the first, second, and third vaccination doses.
"In addition, we expect that the community will remain disciplined in implementing the health protocols," he remarked.
The naval base assigned two doctors, a vaccinator, and a number of supporting health workers from the Lantamal VIII Health Service, as well as several soldiers and Maritime Potential Development Officers (Babinpotmar) to conduct the vaccination activity, he informed.
Some officers of Mubune Village Community Health Center also assisted in the activity, he said.
Lantamal VIII prepared 300 doses of vaccines for the activity, he disclosed. Sinovac, AstraZeneca, and Pfizer vaccines were used for the drive, he added.
According to the Health Ministry’s website, as of 6 p.m. Western Indonesia Standard Time (WIB) on February 5, 2022, the second dose vaccination coverage among the general public, vulnerable groups, public officers, and medical officers in North Minahasa District had reached 45.09 percent of the target.
Meanwhile, the second dose vaccination coverage among the elderly group had reached 41.70 percent.
In addition, 6,820 children aged 6–11 years old had received the full dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Source: Antara