Kajari Kapuas Hulu Detains Suspect S in the Construction of the Bunut Hilir Terminal for the 2018 Fiscal Year. |
BorneoTribun Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan - The Kapuas Hulu District Attorney has named one suspect on suspicion of corruption in the stockpiling or construction of the Bunut Hilir terminal for the 2018 fiscal year in Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Kalimantan, Wednesday (2/2/2022).
The press release for the detention of suspect S was carried out at the Kapuas Hulu District Prosecutor's Office led by the Head of Intel Kejari Kapuas Hulu Adi Rahmanto, S.H.
Kajari Kapuas Hulu Safi, S.H., M.hum., through the head of the Intel Kejari Kapuas Hulu Adi Rahmanto, S.H., said that he had detained one suspect S on suspicion of corruption.
"The investigation team for the Special Crimes of the Kapuas Hulu District Attorney, in an effort to enforce the law, has carried out a series of investigative actions based on the Investigation Order Number: Print-01/O.1.16/Fd.1/02/2022 dated February 2, 2022," said Adi Rahmanto.
Adi Rahmanto further said that he had collected quite strong evidence and examined 27 witnesses.
"The Investigative Team of the Kapuas Hulu District Attorney's Office, after being convinced by gathering strong enough evidence and conducting an examination of 27 witnesses who were examined both from officials and the private sector, hereby the investigative team detains the suspected corruption suspect on behalf of the initial suspect S, who is a suspect in the alleged Corruption Act. Corruption in the construction or hoarding of the Bunut Hilir terminal for the 2018 fiscal year, which was sourced from the Kapuas Hulu District Budget," said Adi.
"Detention based on Detention Order Number: Print-01/O.1.16/Fd.1/01/2022 dated February 2, 2022, suspect S, is detained for the next twenty (20) days from February 2, 2022 to February 21 2022 and detained in the Putussibau Class IIB Detention Center (RUTAN)," said the Head of Intel.
Suspect S is the executor of work in the construction or stockpiling of the Bunut Hilir terminal, with a total financial loss of three hundred and sixteen million seven ratys forty-two thousand two hundred ninety-four point sixty-eight rupiahs.
"That the suspect, initials S, is suspected of having committed an unlawful act, because the suspect is an executor of work in the construction or stockpiling of the Bunut Hilir terminal for the 2018 fiscal year, sourced from the Kapuas Hulu District Budget with a total state financial loss of Rp. 316,742,294.68 (three) hundred and sixteen million seven ratys forty-two thousand two hundred ninety-four point sixty-eight rupiah)," he said.
"This investigation doesn't just stop at the suspect's initials, S, this investigation is still ongoing and there is a possibility that it will continue to grow.
The case will be resolved soon and will be transferred to the Corruption Court at the Pontianak District Court if the investigation is completed in the near future," said Adi Rahmanto as Head of Intel Kejari Kapuas Hulu.