85 Personnel of the Pontianak Police Train Shooting at the West Kalimantan Regional Police - BorneoTribun English

Sunday, January 23, 2022

85 Personnel of the Pontianak Police Train Shooting at the West Kalimantan Regional Police

85 Personnel of the Pontianak Police Train Shooting at the West Kalimantan Regional Police.

BorneoTribun Pontianak, Kalbar - The Pontianak Police are actively carrying out Skill Building Training (Latkatpuan) shooting at the Amdjiatak Shooting Range, Sat Brimob Polda West Kalimantan, Saturday (22/01/2022).

The Latkatpuan shooting activity was attended by 85 Pontianak Polresta personnel and attended by AKBP. N.B. Darma, S.I.K., M.H., as the Deputy Head of the Pontianak Police, the Heads of the Division, Head of Head, Head of the Pontianak Police, and the Kapolsek of the Pontianak Police.

85 Personnel of the Pontianak Police Train Shooting at the West Kalimantan Regional Police.

Pontianak Police Chief, Kombes Pol. Andi Herindra, S.I.K., through the Deputy Chief of Police AKBP. N.B. Darma, S.I.K., M.H., said the shooting was carried out with the aim of increasing the shooting ability of Pontianak Police personnel.

In addition, he also said, at the same time getting shooting certification is one of the requirements to apply for a service firearm holder, in addition to psychological health requirements.

He concluded that this was based on the Telegram Letter Number: ST/12/I/BIN.2.2./2022 dated 20-1-2022 regarding the Jukrah for the implementation of shooting training activities in the context of increasing the ability of Pontianak Police T.A. 2022.

"We carried out Latkatpuan shooting using handheld firearms, both revolvers and pistols to improve the shooting ability of Pontianak Police personnel and to obtain shooting certification as one of the requirements to apply for service rifle holders," said N.B. Dharma.

Further, said N.B. Darma, The shooting skill improvement training was carried out by placing 8 people in each implementation group and carrying out the material provided by the instructor and training companion.

In these shooting practice activities, the AKP acts as an instructor and training companion. Mardiyono from Sat Brimob Polda West Kalimantan, AKP. Suwanto and Iptu Aris Raharajo from the SPN Polda West Kalimantan.

N.B. Darma added that a total of 200 participants who will take part in Latkatpuan shooting will be divided into 2 training sessions.

85 Personnel of the Pontianak Police Train Shooting at the West Kalimantan Regional Police.

He said that the total number of personnel who will take part in the shooting training is 200 personnel which will be divided into 2 sessions, namely today Saturday and tomorrow on Sunday morning.

"With this shooting training, we hope to increase the ability and professionalism of Pontianak Police personnel in terms of using firearms, so that they can act appropriately in dealing with situations in order to provide protection, protection, and service to the community," concluded the Deputy Head of Police, N.B. Dharma.

Source: Humas Polresta Pontianak/WB
Editor: Yakop



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