Bumi Tata Lestari Company CSR Program Builds Clean Water Facilities in Sungai Pinang Hamlet, Sekayam District - BorneoTribun English

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Bumi Tata Lestari Company CSR Program Builds Clean Water Facilities in Sungai Pinang Hamlet, Sekayam District

Bumi Tata Lestari Company CSR Program Builds Clean Water Facilities in Sungai Pinang Hamlet, Sekayam District
CSR Program of PT. Bumi Tata Lestari Builds Clean Water Facilities in Sungai Pinang Hamlet, Sekayam District.

Borneo Tribun Sanggau West Kalimantan - The community of Sungai Pinang Hamlet, Malenggang Village, Sekayam District, Sanggau Regency, highly appreciates the construction of clean water facilities and infrastructure built by PT Bumi Tata Lestari (BTL).

Not only that, the community also expressed their gratitude and gratitude, because what has been their dream so far to get advice and clean water infrastructure for local residents can finally be realized through PT BTL's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program.

Manager of PT Bumi Tata Lestari, Foul Hutasoit, through his press statement, Sunday (30/01/2022) confirmed that the provision of clean water facilities and infrastructure for the community is indeed a CSR program of the company.

"Yes, this is indeed a form of our responsibility, from the company side, to help improve the welfare of the community," he said.

Furthermore, Foul explained that the CSR provided by PT BTL had previously gone through a number of stages, including: studies, field surveys, communication as well as input from the surrounding community.

Thus, it is hoped that the CSR program assistance by companies engaged in oil palm plantations can be effective and benefit the community.

“This means that the assistance provided has gone through several stages. Thus, I hope that the assistance provided can be useful for people's lives, especially those around the company," he said.

On this occasion, General Manager of Palm Oil Mill, Jumarlin Purba, representing PT. BTL also expresses its gratitude for the support given by various parties, especially the community, regarding the existence of the company so far.

"We hope that the company's existence can continue and continue to provide benefits to the community. And lastly, we hope that the assistance that we have provided can be put to good use, for that we also ask that the available clean water facilities can be maintained together," he concluded.




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