Nanga Pinoh Sector Police Chief Gives an Appeal During the Flag Ceremony at SMP Negeri 02 - BorneoTribun English

Monday, January 31, 2022

Nanga Pinoh Sector Police Chief Gives an Appeal During the Flag Ceremony at SMP Negeri 02

Nanga Pinoh Sector Police Chief Gives an Appeal During the Flag Ceremony at SMP Negeri 02
Nanga Pinoh Sector Police Chief Gives an Appeal During the Flag Ceremony at SMP Negeri 02.

Borneo Tribun Melawi, West Kalimantan -Nanga Pinoh Sector Police Chief, Iptu Bhakti Juni Ardhi became inspector of the flag ceremony at SMP Negeri 02 Nanga Pinoh, Melawi Regency, Monday (31/1/2022) morning.

Accompanied by the Head of the Sector Police, Kanit Binmas Sector Police Nanga Pinoh Bripka Dirhamsyah, also attended by the Principal of SMP Negeri 02 Nanga Pinoh Slamet, M. Pd, the entire board of teachers and staff as well as class VII, VIII and IX students.

Melawi Resort Police Chief (Kapolres), AKBP Sigit Eliyanto Nurharjanto, S.I.K through Nanga Pinoh Sector Police Chief Iptu Bhakti Juni Ardhi conveyed that the activity was carried out in order to provide socialization and advice on kamseltibcarlantas and Prokes to students at SMP Negeri 02 Nanga Pinoh.

"Through this activity, we convey health advice and education to students," he said.

"We prioritize the appeal of the Traffic and Traffic Security Security, because the victim of a traffic accident a few days ago was one of them students. We gave an appeal directly to schools, hopefully with this activity, traffic accidents specifically among students can be prevented and minimized," he said.

He continued, "In this activity we also give an appeal to students to always obey health protocols during the teaching and learning process at school, and also outside the school environment. These students should be pioneers, both in road traffic and pioneers. health protocols," he hoped.

The Head of the Police Sector Nanga Pinoh also emphasized that these teenagers should not be easily influenced or fall into promiscuity.

"We also emphasize that these students are not easily influenced by their environmental situation, to do things that can harm themselves, their families and the future. Do not easily follow things that are not good outside the school environment, because it can harm yourself and the future if you have fallen into free association. Please be selective in choosing friends outside the school environment, if your intentions are not good to be friends, please keep your distance or avoid it, God willing, the younger siblings will not fall further or be affected, "he said.

He added, "We also give advice regarding the use of social media at this time. Social media if used properly and wisely will bring benefits and benefits. On the other hand, if it is used improperly, it will cause harm and can cause someone to be caught in a legal case. So use the media. socially wisely and well," he concluded.

Source: Melawi Police Public Relations/ Erik.P



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