Latest News BorneoTribun English: Regional Today
Showing posts with label Regional. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Regional. Show all posts

Friday, January 28, 2022

Dressed in the Archipelago Region, Colored to Commemorate the Anniversary of the West Kalimantan Provincial Government in Sekadau

Dressed in the Archipelago Region, Colored to Commemorate the Anniversary of the West Kalimantan Provincial Government in Sekadau
The Regional Government of Sekadau Regency held a ceremony to commemorate the anniversary of the Provincial Government of West Kalimantan.

BorneoTribun Sekadau, Kalbar - The Sekadau Regency Government held a ceremony to commemorate the anniversary of the West Kalimantan Provincial Government at the Sekadau Regent's Office yard on Friday (28/1/2022).

Acting as the ceremonial supervisor, the Regent of Sekadau, Aron, read out the speech of the Governor of West Kalimantan H Sutarmidji.

"At the age of 65, West Kalimantan Province has made a lot of progress, this progress can be felt in the improved infrastructure, the development of the wheels of community life in the economic, social, cultural and governance fields as well as quality public services."

During his speech, Aron said that the progress of development was not only achieved by the Provincial Government alone, but also by the achievements of Regency/City Governments in West Kalimantan Province.

This development achievement certainly cannot be separated from the role of all stakeholders and existing elements, be it the Government, the Community, and the private sector to jointly develop the West Kalimantan Province that we love.

Collaboration and development synergy that has been built is the basic capital in responding to challenges and problems that arise in the community.

"We should be proud and grateful for this achievement by continuing to increase our love and concern for West Kalimantan Province and need to be shown by increasing performance, synergy and high contribution in development.

"Through this 65th anniversary, let us make it a means to look back at our contributions and real work in the implementation of Development in West Kalimantan Province," said the Regent.

At this ceremony, the participants of the ceremony wear traditional Indonesian clothes.

Author: Yakop

The Sekadau Regent Cup I Senior Standard Chess Championship was attended by 70 Participants

The Sekadau Regent Cup I Senior Standard Chess Championship was attended by 70 Participants
The Sekadau Regent Cup I Senior Standard Chess Championship was attended by 70 Participants.

BorneoTribun Sekadau, Kalbar -- The District I Sekadau District Senior Standard Chess Championship in 2022 was attended by 70 participants. As for the participants who took part in the senior standard chess championship, there were participants from the DPRD, ASN, Polri, students and there were also junior athletes from Sekadau Regency.

This was said by the Head of Percasi of Sekadau Regency, Sovian, M. N.SE. MM told journalists BorneoTribun, Friday (28/1/2022).

Sovian said, in the implementation of the Sekadau 1st Regent Cup senior standard chess championship based on the Provincial Pengprov Decree. Percasi West Kalimantan Number: 01/Skep/Percasi-Kalbar/1/2022 Regarding the management structure and main tasks and organizational functions and the Decree of the Percasi Sekadau Regency Government Number 01/Skep/Percasi-Sekadau/I/2022 Regarding the Senior Regent Cup Standard Chess Championship 2022 The 1st of Sekadau Regency.

With this championship, said Sovian, as a means of coaching and improving chess sports achievements. Moreover, it can provide an opportunity for the emergence of talented athletes who have been hidden so far, due to the lack of mobilization for chess championships.

In addition, said Sovian, as a treasury of junior and senior athletes so that they are ready to accompany Sekadau Regency in Kejurprov, Porprov or district/city level championships in West Kalimantan Province and even represent national level championships.

Sovian explained that this championship is also a vehicle and a place for creative thinking to be developed through the support of the local government of Sekadau Regency, KONI and Sekadau Percasi Regency Government.

"The benefits of this chess game are to improve cognitive, empathy, memory, creativity and skills, planning and problem solving. The benefits for children are as an increase in children's development in terms of problem solving, building social relationships and thinking," he explained.

He revealed, that the Sekadau District's 2022 1st Regent Cup 2022 senior standard chess championship was sourced from the Sekadau District KONI 2022 grant which temporarily used bailout funds from the Regency Government. Percasi Sekadau. In addition, this activity will take place from January 28 - 30, 2022 at Lupung Coffee, Jalan Rawak, Sekadau.

Sekadau District 1st Regent Cup senior standard chess tournament 2022
Sekadau District 1st Regent Cup senior standard chess tournament 2022.

On the occasion, the Head of Koni Sekadau Regency, A Rusmin Nuryadin said Chess is a sport that is categorized as the flagship branch of Sekadau Regency, because several years ago the chess field won a gold medal in the Porprov championship.

"We hope that with the 2022 Regents Cup championship activities, we can find athletes so that in the future we can increase medal gains and improve Sekadau Regency achievements," he hoped.

"Rusmin is also grateful to the Regional Government for supporting this activity and to the participants who take part in the competition, it is hoped that they will prioritize sportsmanship.

Meanwhile, the opening of the first standard chess competition for the Sekadau District's 2022 Senior Regent Cup by the Deputy Regent of Sekadau, Subandrio.

Photo: Deputy Regent of Sekadau Subandrio and Member of DPRD Sekadau Liri Muri. Sekadau District 1st District Senior Standard Chess Championship in 2022
Photo: Deputy Regent of Sekadau Subandrio and Member of DPRD Sekadau Liri Muri. Sekadau District 1st District Senior Standard Chess Championship in 2022.

Deputy Regent of Sekadau, Subandrio said the Regional Government of Sekadau Regency was very supportive of the 2022 Regents Cup chess championship held by Percasi Sekadau.

"As we know that one of our gold medals during the Porprov competition was in the field of chess, therefore we must improve chess so that the next matches are not only 1 and 2 but we can win all gold medals," he said.

He hopes that in the future Sekadau Regency can win absolutely and can continue to develop, recruit talented young players and Chess can also be a gathering place.


Thursday, January 27, 2022

These 8 Villages will hold Pilkades Simultaneously in 2022

These 8 Villages will hold Pilkades Simultaneously in 2022
Camat Sekadau Hilir H Syafi'i Yanto. 

BorneoTribun Sekadau, Kalbar – There are 8 villages that will hold a village head election democratic party (Pilkades) simultaneously in 2022 in Sekadau Hilir District, Sekadau Regency, West Kalimantan.

This was revealed by the Head of Sekadau Hilir H Syafi'i Yanto to the media crew, Thursday (27/1/2022).

He also said that his party was still making preparations for the simultaneous 2022 village head elections.

"We in Sekadau Hilir District, there are 8 villages that will carry out simultaneous village head elections (Pilkades) in 2022," said Syafi'i Yanto,

He explained that the village head election would be held in September, and the stages of the village head election process would be held in June.

However, the Camat has not explained in detail the exact date for the Village head election.

"For the election in September, and the date cannot be confirmed, we are still waiting for the existing process. However, the stages themselves will be carried out in June," he concluded.

He expressed his gratitude to the Village Head who has carried out his duties well for 6 years.

He appealed to the public so that the democratic party was safe, orderly, and smoothly in the village head election.

"Whoever is elected later, that is the head of our village together, elbow and elbow is normal, don't let things happen that we don't want," he appealed.

It is known that the 8 villages that will carry out the Pilkades are Sungai Ringin Village, Semabi Village, Landau Kodah Village, Seraras Village, Tapang Semadak Village, Gonis Tekam Village, Engkersik Village, and Tanjung Village.(*)

5 Years Established, AMSI Collaborates to Build a Healthy and Sustainable Digital Media Ecosystem

5 Years Established, AMSI Collaborates to Build a Healthy and Sustainable Digital Media Ecosystem
5 Years Established, AMSI Collaborates to Build a Healthy and Sustainable Digital Media Ecosystem.

BorneoTribun Jakarta – The Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Association (AMSI) held a two-day national working meeting (Rakernas) in Yogyakarta.

There will be dozens of participants from all over Indonesia who will be attending to formulate a long-term policy framework as a strategic plan for the organization of press media companies in Indonesia.

AMSI Chairman, Wenseslaus Manggut said that this year, AMSI which was declared April 18 2017, will focus on internal programs related to members and external related to the digital world ecosystem where the press is a part of it.

Internally AMSI will focus on capacity building for each member who spreads from Aceh to Papua.

"Strengthening capacity by providing training and mentoring in terms of content, infrastructure and business, and for all of that we are collaborating with many parties," said Wens, Thursday, (27/1).

In an external context, AMSI is obligated to contribute to the health of the digital world ecosystem from digital waste such as hoaxes and hate speech which not only pollute the digital world but also disturb the civility of our public space.

The Head of the National Working Meeting Committee, Amrie Hakim said that this year's AMSI Rakernas took the theme "Collaboration to Build a Healthy and Sustainable Digital Media Ecosystem". The AMSI National Work Meeting will be held from Friday to Saturday, (28-29 January 2022).

The participants who will attend the AMSI National Work Meeting consist of the General Chair, Deputy Chair I, Secretary General, General Treasurer, heads of departments in management, then regional coordinators and regional AMSI heads.

“This National Working Meeting is an important AMSI annual agenda. In the National Working Meeting, there will be discussion and formulation of work program proposals that will be determined as a reference for work programs that will be carried out in the 2022 period," Amrie explained, Wednesday (26/1).

Amrie continued, the purpose of the National Working Meeting is to serve as a forum for consolidation and coordination between AMSI management, then to build understanding and share experiences between participants, increase the capacity of the National Working Meeting participants, as well as formulate strategies for implementing the priority implementation of the AMSI 2022 program and formulate follow-up work plans for each management department.

"In accordance with the results of the formulation of the 2020 AMSI Congress, running the organization's wheels according to the vision is absolute," he explained.

AMSI is one of the constituent media organizations of the Press Council in Indonesia, which has spread across 24 provinces in Indonesia, namely Aceh, North Sumatra, Riau, Riau Islands, West Sumatra, South Sumatra, Jakarta, West Java, Yogyakarta, Central Java, East Java. .

Other regions are West Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, Gorontalo, West Nusa Tenggara, Bali, Papua and Maluku.

Through the AMSI National Working Meeting in 2022, AMSI hopes that the National Work Meeting can be an important step in building synergy, so that it can strengthen AMSI as an organization and the cyber media companies that are members.(*)

Andi Lukman: Tagline LLDIKTI IX is Togetherness

Andi Lukman: Tagline LLDIKTI IX is Togetherness
Head of LLDIKTI Region IX Sultan Batara, Drs. Andi Lukman, M.Si.

BorneoTribun Makassar – Head of LLDIKTI Region IX Sultan Batara, Drs. Andi Lukman, M.Sc., declared that the tagline at the LLDIKTI Regional IX Office was Togetherness.

There is no problem that cannot be solved with good friendship and communication. Therefore, if there is a problem in higher education, and you can't find a solution, please communicate it to us, as STIMI YAPMI did today.

This was emphasized by Andi Lukman, accompanied by the Head of General Affairs, Munawir Razak, S.Ip., M.A., and functional officials of LLDIKTI Region IX, Thursday 27 January 2022 when receiving the leadership and organizing body of STIM Yapmi Makassar to sit down together to resolve the conflicts and problems of the university.

The leadership and organizing body of STIMI Yapmi were received in the LLDIKTI IX lounge while enjoying coffee and cakes, which used to be a waiting room for LLDIKTI Region IX stakeholders who came with service files.

This is the first coffee morning, and hopefully in the future it can become a model because our services at LLDIKTI are currently all online-based, so we are low on visitors so we can do activities like this, said Andi Lukman.

Therefore, we can use this lounge for coffee morning while having a discussion. Keeping in touch does not always have to be in the meeting room.

In the future, we will have a lot of discussions, stay in touch and even solve problems at universities with a more relaxed meeting place and of course our goals will be achieved. While eating together like this, "explained Andi Lukman.

At the university, there is actually no more opportunity for conflict, because with the tri dharma task carried out by the university, there is almost no time for conflict, he said.

Moreover, the current government policy is very clear, the policy of an independent campus is free to learn. When this policy is not implemented properly, it will be fatal for universities.

But I am sure that with the cooperation of all parties, with our togetherness, all of this will not happen," he stressed.

Andi Lukman emphasized, maybe at any time his party will come to their respective campuses without notification, because he wants to see the real atmosphere on campus, because usually when we come and there is prior notification, usually a lot of engineering, and that's what we don't want, he said.

Every year there is a performance agreement of the main work indicators. How universities can improve their quality, and in that there is our role, LLDIKTI Region IX there. And it must be measurable. We also expect large universities to help develop smaller universities, he said.

Author: Yahya

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Danrem 073/Makutarama Kendal, Gathering with Religious Leaders

Danrem 073/Makutarama Kendal, Gathering with Religious Leaders
Danrem 073/Makutarama Kendal, Gathering with Religious Leaders.

BorneoTribun Kendal, Jateng - The Commander of Korem 073/Makutarama Colonel Arm Putranto Gatot Sri Handoyo S.Sos., M.M., who was accompanied by the Head of Persit Kartika Chandra Kirana (KCK) Koorcabrem 073 PD IV/Diponegoro Ny. Henny Putranto Gatot and the Kasi Korem carried out a working visit and kept in touch with religious leaders in the Kendal Regency, Central Java. Wednesday (26/1/2022) yesterday.

The arrival of the Danrem was welcomed directly by the Commander of Kodim 0715/Kendal Lt. Col. Inf. Misael Marthen Jenry Polii and the Staff Officers.

On that occasion, the Danrem entourage headed to the residence of KH. Muhibbudin Mahfudz led by Islamic Boarding School Hidayatul Qur'an and Islamic Boarding School Al Fadhlu Kaliwungu led by Islamic Boarding School Kyai Dimyati Rois.

During the visit, the Danrem conveyed its aims and objectives, to build a relationship with religious leaders, so that in carrying out our duties, we and members of the TNI AD receive directives, instructions and assistance from religious leaders.

"Danrem hopes that the relationship that has been well established so far will be maintained, because success in building and progressing the region cannot be separated from the role of religious leaders, youth and other components of the nation in the region," said Colonel Gatot.

He also reminded that during this Covid-19 pandemic, good cooperation between government officials and the community is needed to accelerate the handling of Covid-19 by implementing health protocols.

In the meeting which took place with full of kinship, the leader of Al Fadhlu Kaliwungu Islamic Boarding School Kyai Dimyati Rois expressed his gratitude to the Danrem and his entourage for coming to stay in touch with religious leaders in Kendal Regency.

After that, Danrem continued his visit to Koramil 08/Patean Kodim 075/Kendal. Regarding the Covid-19 pandemic, Danrem asked soldiers who are also parents to be more strict about maintaining the health and safety of themselves and their families.

"Especially for Babinsa, who is always in the midst of society, to continue educating its fostered citizens about the discipline of health protocols, in order to prevent Covid-19," concluded Danrem.

(Ahmad Nasiri)

Pemdes Batu Begigi with Forkopimcam Tanah Pinoh Review Vaccination at SD 02 Kota Baru

Pemdes Batu Begigi with Forkopimcam Tanah Pinoh Review Vaccination at SD 02 Kota Baru
Pemdes Batu Begigi with Forkopimcam Tanah Pinoh Review Vaccination at SD 02 Kota Baru.

BorneoTribun Melawi, Kalbar -- Head of Batu Begigi Village H. Taufikurahman with FORKOPIMCAM Tanah Pinoh, Kota Baru Police and Koramil 1205-04 / Tanah Pinoh reviewed the implementation of the Covid-19 Dose I vaccination, which was held at SD Negeri 02 Kota Baru, Tanah Pinoh District, Melawi Regency, Wednesday ( 26/01/2022) yesterday.

During the review, H. Taufikurahman greeted elementary school students who were and will be vaccinated. The village head explained that the purpose of vaccination was to prevent all students from contracting the Covid-19 disease.

Pemdes Batu Begigi with Forkopimcam Tanah Pinoh Review Vaccination at SD 02
Pemdes Batu Begigi with Forkopimcam Tanah Pinoh Review Vaccination at SD 02 Kota Baru.

"So don't be afraid to get vaccinated so that your body stays healthy and doesn't get infected with Covid-19. This vaccination is a government program. The government will never make its people suffer and suffer. So, don't be influenced by hoax news on social media that vaccination is dangerous," said H. Taufikurahman.

In addition to the students who were vaccinated, H. Taufikurahman also encouraged the Head of Kota Baru Dwi Libra Suroso, Amd. Kep and vaccinators on duty. "Thank you and keep the spirit to all medical officers, never get tired because this is a noble task in an effort to save human lives," he said.

I also don't forget to thank the Head of Kota Baru Police, Ipda Aditya Jaya Laksana M.S.Tr.K, PJ Danramil 04/ Tanah Pinoh Pelda Suyadi, and the Coordinator of the Education Office for their cooperation in implementing Child Vaccination in this school, said the Village Head of Batu Begigi.

On this occasion, the Head of Batu Begigi Village also appealed to parents of students who were present to continue to carry out health protocols in carrying out daily activities.

"Ladies and gentlemen, don't let your guard down, because Covid is not over yet, there's even a new type called Omicron. So stay alert and stay disciplined in carrying out health protocols, so that we avoid the dangers of Covid and stay healthy," concluded Petrus Hondro.

Principal of SD Negeri 02 Kota Baru Bahrudin, S.Pd, SD, expressed his gratitude to the Government, through the Health workers and the Vaccination Team from the Kota Baru Health Center so that at SD Negeri 02 Kota Baru, vaccinations could be carried out today.

The implementation of the first dose of vaccine for children was carried out well and conducive, with a total of 242 students being vaccinated. During the implementation of the vaccine, the teachers at SD Negeri 02 Kota Baru were very supportive of the vaccination activity, concluded Bahrudin.

Author : Erik.P

Urges National Police Chief to Arrest Edy Mulyadi Immediately, Here Are 4 Attitudes and Demands of DAD from Melawi Regency to Edy Mulyadi

Urges National Police Chief to Arrest Edy Mulyadi Immediately, Here Are 4 Attitudes and Demands of DAD from Melawi Regency to Edy Mulyadi
Urges National Police Chief to Arrest Edy Mulyadi Immediately, Here Are 4 Attitudes and Demands of DAD from Melawi Regency to Edy Mulyadi.

BorneoTribun Melawi -- The board of the Dayak Adat Council (DAD) of Melawi Regency, West Kalimantan Province, visited the Melawi Police to deliver a statement of attitude towards the expressions of Edy Mulyadi and his friends on social media, which were considered offensive to all ethnic groups living in Kalimantan, Monday (25/01/2022 ) yesterday.

The arrival of the Melawi Hulu District DAD, led directly by the Head of the Melawi District DAD Drs, Kluisen and other DAD administrators, was welcomed by the Melawi Police Chief AKBP Sigit Eliyanto Nurharjanto and the Melawi Police Chief of Ops Kompol Aang Permana and the Melawi Police PJU.

Urges National Police Chief to Arrest Edy Mulyadi Immediately, Here Are 4 Attitudes and Demands of DAD from Melawi Regency to Edy Mulyadi kalbar
Urges National Police Chief to Arrest Edy Mulyadi Immediately, Here Are 4 Attitudes and Demands of DAD from Melawi Regency to Edy Mulyadi.

Head of DAD Melawi Regency Drs. Kluisen Says "Adil Ka' Talino, Bacuramin Ka' Saruga, Basengat Ka' Jubata" We express our attitude towards Edi Mulyadi who has hurt the hearts of the people of Kalimantan.

"We hope to ask the National Police Chief to arrest Edi Mulyadi cs, if we don't bring him to justice, we will go down together for the second time," said Kluisen.

Meanwhile, General Secretary Yustinus Bianglala, SH.MH conveyed his demands in front of the Melawi Police to immediately arrest and legally process Edy Mulyadi and his friends in accordance with positive law and customary law.

These attitudes and demands are based on the following reasons:
  1. Looking down on the inhabitants of the island of Borneo.
  2. Avoiding his responsibility for the negative impact of his words.
  3. The statement of Edi Mulyadi and his friends is contrary to the prevailing laws and regulations and customary law.
  4. Edi Mulyadi and his friends as educated people do not provide examples of communication that are educational, polite and soothing in politics.

After delivering the statement of position and signed by all the Management who participated in the activity, it was then signed by the Head of the Melawi Police AKBP Sigit Eliyanto Nurharjanto, represented by the Head of the Melawi Police Criminal Investigation Unit, AKP Ketut Agus Pasek Sudina.

Author : Erik.P

SD Negeri 02 Batu Buil Supports the Covid-19 Vaccination Program for Children

SD Negeri 02 Batu Buil Supports the Covid-19 Vaccination Program for Children
SD Negeri 02 Batu Buil Supports the Covid-19 Vaccination Program for Children.

BorneoTribun Melawi, Kalbar -- A vaccination program for children aged 6-11 years is currently being intensified by the Melawi Regency Government to provide a sense of security for students and parents when the face-to-face learning process (PTM) resumes. Support for the success of this program must have the support of parents and also the school.

Today, one of the schools that carried out the Covid-19 vaccination for children was SD Negeri 02 Batu Buil and TK Emmaus, Belimbing District, Melawi Regency, Wednesday (26/01/2022).

The Principal of SD Negeri 02 Batu Buil Hamidi, S.Pd., M. Pd, said: "I thank the Melawi Regency Government, the Health Service, Pemuar Health Center, Melawi Police Chief, Belimbing Police Chief, Danramil, Community Leaders, and the Teacher Council for supporting implementation of Vaccination in this School.

SD Negeri 02 Batu Buil Supports the Covid-19 Vaccination Program Children
SD Negeri 02 Batu Buil Supports the Covid-19 Vaccination Program for Children.

The number of our students is 230 children, who carried out the vaccine amounted to 224 children. For 6 children, the problem is due to illness. For EMAUS Kindergarten students who vaccinated at SD Negeri 02 Batu Buil, there were 15 children, said Hamidi.

Melawi Police Chief AKBP Sigit Eliyanto Nurharjanto through Belimbing Police Chief AKP Nono Partoyuwono said that in every government policy program in handling COVID-19, the National Police is here to make the program implemented by related parties successful, one of which is the Vaccination program.

The police chief further explained to the media journalist The vaccination activity in the school environment was carried out so that the face-to-face teaching and learning process could be carried out as before the COVID-19 pandemic, said Nono Partoyuwono.

PJ DANRAMIL 16/Belimbing Pelda Suki Widodo through Babinsa Serda Sugiarto said that we carried out monitoring and assistance in the implementation of the Sinovac Covid-19 Vaccination road with targets for children aged 6 to 11 years including the implementation of the Covid-19 health protocol.

"This assistance is carried out so that the administration of vaccines to children runs smoothly, in an orderly and safe manner, because vaccination activities aim to strengthen the body in children, and strengthen immunity to prevent contracting the COVID-19 virus and break the chain of the spread of the COVID-19 virus." said Sugiarto

Meanwhile, one of the students of SD Negeri 02 Batu Buil Melinda Thank you to the Covid-19 Task Force team at Pemuar Health Center, Belimbing Police and Babinsa Koramil Belimbing who have carried out vaccinations in our school.

Author : Erik.P

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Deputy Regent Syamsul Rizal opens MUSDA II GOW Bangkayang Regency in 2022

Wabup Syamsul Rizal buka MUSDA II GOW Kabupaten Bangkayang Tahun 2022
GOW Kabupaten Bengkayang menyelenggarakan Musyawarah Daerah (Musda) II Kabupaten Bengkayang Tahun 2022.

BorneoTribun Bengkayang, Kalbar – The Bengkayang Regency Women's Organization Association (GOW) held the 2022 Bengkayang Regency Regional Conference (Musda) in the Bengkayang Regent's Office Hall, 5th Floor, Tuesday (25/1/2022).

This Musda aims to stipulate the AD/ART GOW of Bengkayang Regency for 2021-2026, compile and establish a work program, elect the head of the Bengkayang Regency GOW for the period of 2021-2026 and make other decisions in accordance with the limits of authority.

The MUSDA II GOW of Bangkayang Regency in 2022 raised the theme, "The Synergy of Women's Organizations with Local Governments in Realizing Superior, Broad-minded and Competitive Development in the face of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 to Realize a Steady Bengkayang Regency".

GOW Kabupaten Bengkayang menyelenggarakan Musyawarah Daerah (Musda) II Kabupaten Bengkayang Tahun 2022.

Deputy Regent of Bengkayang, Drs. H Syamsul Rizal delivered remarks and directions as well as officially opening the Regional Conference (Musda) II GOW Bengkayang district.

Bengkayang Deputy Regent hopes that with the implementation of MUSDA II, women will be able to contribute their energy and potential to develop Bengkayang Regency and the people of an Advanced Bengkayang Regency.

The rest, said the Vice Regent, in preparing the work program should support and synergize in the regional government development program to improve the welfare of the people of Bengkayang Regency which is advanced and stable.

GOW Kabupaten Bengkayang menyelenggarakan Musyawarah Daerah (Musda) II Kabupaten Bengkayang Tahun 2022.

The opening ceremony was attended by the deputy chairman of the Bengkayang Regency DPRD, elements of the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum, the leadership of the OPD or their representative, the chairman of the TP. PKK Bengkayang Regency or its representatives and other invited guests.

Source: Prokopim Bengkayang
Reporter : Rinto Andreas

A total of 12 mass organizations visited the Bengkayang DPRD office to express anger and offence at Edy Mulyadi statement

A total of 12 mass organizations visited the Bengkayang DPRD office to express anger and offence at Edy Mulyadi's statement
A total of 12 mass organizations visited the Bengkayang DPRD office to express anger and offence at Edy Mulyadi's statement.

BorneoTribun Bengkayang, Kalbar -- A total of 12 mass organizations who are members of the Bengkayang District Community Joint Alliance (AGMKB) held a peaceful demonstration to express their anger and offence at the statement by Edy Mulyadi and his friends who were considered insulting to the people of Kalimantan.

The peaceful action activities started from the Sebalo Bengkayang Earth City Park to the Bengkayang Regency DPRD office and finally submitted a report to the Bengkayang POLRES.

This statement was immediately conveyed by Albert Pandur Sae Pudaba, S.Sos, M.Sos who is also the Chairman of the Bengkayang Regency KNPI DPD on the front page of the Bengkayang Regency DPRD office, West Kalimantan, Tuesday (25/1/2022).

A total of 12 mass organizations visited the Bengkayang DPRD office to express anger and offence at
A total of 12 mass organizations visited the Bengkayang DPRD office to express anger and offence at Edy Mulyadi statement.

Meanwhile, in response to the circulation of videos on social media containing insults and harassment of residents of Kalimantan by Edi Mulyadi's brother, Azam Ham and friends.

In the statement of the attitude of the Bengkayang Regency Community Joint Alliance to Edy Mulyadi as follows.

First point: Strongly condemn the statement by Edi Mulyadi, Azam Ham and friends in videos circulating on social media, both Facebook, WhatsApp, which have insulted and demeaned the dignity of the people of Kalimantan with inappropriate words such as monkey, kuntilanak, genderuwo who inhabited the island of Borneo and also declared the island of Borneo as a place of disposal of Jin's children.

The second point: That we residents of Kalimantan are not monkeys, not Jin, nor kuntilanak, nor genderuwo, and the island of Borneo is also not a place for Jin's children to be dumped.

Third point: We ask Edi Mulyadi, Azam Ham and friends to immediately apologize to the people of Kalimantan who directly come to the island of Borneo.
Fourth point: We ask the Indonesian National Police to immediately arrest and legally process Edi Mulyadi, Azam Ham and their friends under the criminal law and customary law applicable in Kalimantan.

"Thus, our statement of position was conveyed by the Bengkayang District Community Joint Alliance in front of the Bengkayang DPRD office," concluded Pandur.

Furthermore, the demand letter from the Bengkayang Regency Community Alliance was immediately submitted to the chairman of the Bengkayang Regency DPRD to be immediately submitted to the Governor of West Kalimantan, the Kapolda of West Kalimantan and the Pangdam of West Kalimantan.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Bengkayang Regency DPRD, Fransiskus M.Pd, welcomed the demands of the Bengkayang Regency community alliance for the statement of hate speech against the people of Kalimantan by Edy Mulyadi.

"Regarding the condition and situation of our nation, which was conveyed by Viral by Edy Mulyadi, Azam Ham and friends, of course, we from the people's representatives appreciate the highest appreciation to all citizens who today are allowed to convey demands for solidity against insults to the entire people of Kalimantan. , said Francis

Furthermore, Fransiskus said that there were several things that were demanded earlier, his party would forward it to the Governor of West Kalimantan as the representative of the central government in the province of West Kalimantan so that it would be forwarded to the Kapolda of West Kalimantan, the Commander of the West Kalimantan Regional Military Command and the Head of the West Kalimantan High Court.

"What is today's demand, we remain together to continue to guard the aspirations of the people of Bengkayang Regency, in particular to convey it to the relevant central government for action for Edy Mulyadi's brother," concluded Fransiskus.

A total of 12 mass organizations visited the Bengkayang DPRD office to express anger and offence at Edy Mulyadi's
A total of 12 mass organizations visited the Bengkayang DPRD office to express anger and offence at Edy Mulyadi's statement.

The rest, in this case, Francis really appreciates the highest in order to convey the aspirations and solidity of fellow Kalimantan children.
The peaceful action activities were attended by various Bengkayang Community Joint Alliances including: BAMERA represented by Syukur Kurniawan, BPC GMKI/Kristen Ret, Dayak Youth represented by Lipus, Community of Jaga Bengkayang represented by Tomo, DPD KNPI represented by Albert Pandur Sae Pudaba, POM represented by Suherman, 7 TALINO PNK represented by Andi, KPSBD represented by Beni, BANSER represented by Turasno, DAD represented by Yulius, TBB represented by Iyul and BALA PALAYO

Reporter: Rinto Andreas

It is said that Kalimantan is the place where Jin throws children away, the Malay Youth Front reports Edy Mulyadi to the West Kalimantan Regional Police

Barisan Pemuda Melayu reports Edy Mulyadi to the West Kalimantan Police
Barisan Pemuda Melayu reports Edy Mulyadi to the West Kalimantan Police.

BorneoTribun Pontianak - Barisan Pemuda Melayu (BPM) West Kalimantan officially reported Edy Mulyadi to the West Kalimantan Police regarding Edy Mulyadi's remarks that said Kalimantan was a place for genies to throw children.

"Yes, that's right, today we reported Edy Mulyadi to the West Kalimantan Regional Police for his remarks that deeply offended the people of Kalimantan, especially the people of West Kalimantan," said Head of the West Kalimantan BPM DPP Security Task Force, Deni Purwanto, Tuesday, January 25, 2022.

According to him, the report submitted to the Regional Police is related to cases of criminal acts of spreading hate speech against ethnicity, religion, race, and between groups.

"As a child born in Kalimantan, I feel humiliated, ridiculed and humiliated for Edy Mulyadi's statement," he said.

As the head of the Security Task Force at BPM West Kalimantan, he then held discussions with friends of the general chairman and friends at BPM to report Edy Mulyadi to the West Kalimantan Police.

"We ask that the report we make is immediately followed up by the police, especially the Polda Metro Jaya, so that it doesn't drag on. Moreover, Edy Mulyadi's words have outrageously offended the people of Kalimantan," he said.

His party, said Deny, also asked the chief of the Indonesian National Police, Kajagung, and the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs to oversee the case of hate speech made by Edy Mulyadi.

He emphasized that this case cannot be resolved by simply apologizing, but must be resolved in accordance with the laws in force in this country so that there is a deterrent effect for those who do it.

"Borneo is not a place where genies throw their children away, nor are we monkeys," he explained.

This island of Borneo, said Deni, already has a civilization that is superior to other civilizations in the archipelago, because the oldest and first kingdom in Indonesia is in Kalimantan, namely the kingdom of Kutai Kertanegara.

Moreover, he said, Kalimantan is inhabited by multi-ethnic people who always maintain diversity and differences, so that BPM Kalbar feels called upon by his words that have injured the people of Kalimantan.

Deny also asked the BPM management in 14 regencies/cities in West Kalimantan, as well as the public not to be provoked by the case.

"Let's work together to keep Kamtibmas safe and always, we also ask that we all always be wise in responding to this case, and leave the legal process to the competent authorities," he pleaded. (*)

Insulting Prabowo Subianto, Gerindra Sekadau Party reports Edy Mulyadi to Sekadau Police Headquarters

Insulting Prabowo Subianto, Gerindra Sekadau Party reports Edy Mulyadi to Sekadau Police Headquarters
Sekadau Gerindra Party reports Edy Mulyadi to Sekadau Police Headquarters.

BorneoTribun Sekadau, Kalbar -- The Sekadau Regency Gerindra Party reported Edy Mulyadi for his statement insulting Gerindra General Chair H Prabowo Subianto to the Sekadau Police Headquarters, West Kalimantan, Tuesday (25/1/2022).

A number of members of the Sekadau DPRD from the Gerindra Party faction coordinated by Faction Chair Yodi Setiawan accompanied by Herianto and Abang Ramli in making a report to the Sekadau Police for Edy Mulyadi's statement.

"Members of the Sekadau DPRD, the Gerindra faction, reported the alleged insult to the general chairman of the Gerindra party, H. Prabowo Subianto," explained Abang Ramli.

Abang Ramli said that his party reported Edy Mulyadi to the Sekadau Police for allegedly insulting the general chairman of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto.

"Reports against Edy Mulyadi to the Police were carried out by Gerindra Party officials in stages starting from the central, provincial and district/city administrators," concluded Abang Ramli.

In addition, said Abang Ramli, Edy Mulyadi was considered to have defamed the Minister of Defense (Menhan) in a video uploaded through a social media account.

"The video hurts the feelings of all Gerindra Party cadres," said Abang Ramli.

The head of the Gerindra faction in Sekadau district, Yodi Setiawan, hopes that the police can take firm action against Edy Mulyadi legally.

"Of course for hate speech and defamation of our general chairman, Mr. Prabowo Subianto," said Yodi.

Yodi also hopes that all parties who make statements, both verbally and on social media, do not offend or insult others.

"Moreover, our general chairman is currently the Minister of Defense," he said.

It is known that a number of elements of society and mass organizations today also expressed their attitude and reported to the Sekadau Police regarding Edy Mulyadi's video which hurt the hearts and feelings of the people of Kalimantan. (Team)

Deputy Regent of Sekadau handed over basic food assistance to flood-affected residents

Deputy Regent of Sekadau handed over basic food assistance to flood-affected residents
Deputy Regent of Sekadau handed over basic food assistance to flood-affected residents.

BorneoTribun Sekadau, Kalbar -- Deputy Regent of Sekadau, Subandrio, SH MH directly inspected the flood location in Nanga Mahap District, Sekadau Regency, West Kalimantan, Tuesday (25/1/2022).

On the same day, Deputy Regent Subandrio also handed over basic food assistance to residents affected by the flood. The handover took place at the Nanga Mahap sub-district office.

Deputy Regent Subandrio in his speech said that the Regional Government of Sekadau Regency was also concerned about the flooding that hit several villages in Nanga Mahap District.

"Today, the Sekadau Regency Government saw firsthand the impact of the flooding in Nanga Mahap District and as a form of the Government's concern, we have also handed over a number of aid packages to the flood victims," ​​said Deputy Regent Subandrio.

In addition, Deputy Regent Subandrio asked PKH social assistants and village heads in Nanga Mahap whose areas were affected by flooding to provide targeted assistance.

"Today we are only reviewing the conditions in the village in the Nanga Mahap sub-district and sorry we can't go to all the villages affected by the flood and we immediately distributed basic food assistance and medicines to the flood-affected communities through the Village Head whose area was flooded, so that it was distributed. to every Head of Family and this is assistance and must be right on target," explained the Deputy Regent.

The Deputy Regent of Sekadau said that every village head in Nanga Mahap sub-district created a database for disaster management purposes.

He said, because the Nanga Mahap sub-district is a flood-prone area, it makes the process of distributing aid and so on easier.

In addition, said Subandrio, the village government must develop and have a standard database to make it easier to allocate and distribute various aids from the government to affected communities.

"And coincidentally today the Social Service is conducting data collection," said Deputy Regent Subandrio.

Furthermore, Deputy Regent Subandrio also emphasized the importance of good coordination and communication between all parties in dealing with situations like this.

"I ask that there be good communication between the Village Head, Kadus, Head of RT-RW and the District Government, especially when faced with a situation like this, so it is easy for us to distribute all the assistance needed by the community," explained the Deputy Regent.

After the symbolic handover to the 6 Village Heads who were affected by flooding, the event continued with a review of the Nanga Mahap market location which had receded since the morning.

Also present at the event were DPRD members, Yohanes Ayub and Lorensius Ardi Wiranata, Secretary for Sekadau, Head of Social Affairs, Head of Village Government, Head of BPBD, and Head of KP3.


Monday, January 24, 2022

Tofu Crispy Cak79 in Putussibau Must try, make you addicted!

Tahu Crispy Cak79 di Putussibau Wajib dicoba, Bikin Ketagihan Lho!
Tahu Crispy Cak79, located in Putussibau, Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Kalimantan, Indonesia.

BorneoTribun Uncak –  Crispy Tofu Fried Food is indeed one of the favorite and popular snacks in Indonesia, the crunchy texture is addictive.

Not only that, Crispy Tofu currently has many delicious contemporary fried innovations to eat.

One of them knows Crispy Cak79, who is located in Putussibau, Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Kalimantan Province.

Tahu Crispy Cak79, located in Putussibau, Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Cak79 Crispy Tofu has many flavors, there are original flavors, balado, barbecue, grilled chicken, roast beef, sambal balado, sweet corn, grilled corn, sweet cheese, there is also additional round chili and sauce sachets.

In addition, the tofu ingredients used are also of high quality, because Cak79 always serves fresh tofu every day. Moreover, the taste is also very good, plus it doesn't taste sour or sour.

"Alhamdulillah, from the first time I opened until the last five months, my merchandise was selling well, where there was an increase or addition of the basic ingredient, namely Tofu," said Cak79 owner Noto Sujarwoto to BorneoTribun, Monday (24/1/2022).

Tahu Crispy Cak79, located in Putussibau, Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Furthermore, Noto explained, the price of Crispy Tofu that he sells is quite cheap and very affordable, starting from a portion of Rp. 5 thousand, a portion of Rp. 8 thousand to a portion of Rp. 10 thousand.

He is able to sell more than 100 servings of Crispy Tofu a day. Even buyers are willing to queue up to enjoy the crispy and crunchy Cak79 tofu.

For those who are interested or who have a culinary hobby of tofu, please come to try it, let alone know that Crispy Cak79 is tofu which is a contemporary snack.

Noto, who is 42 years old, said that before selling Crispy tofu, he was a regional journalist in Kapuas Hulu online media

The man who lives in Mentebah Subdistrict, Kapuas Hulu Regency, who is from Senakin Village, Sengah Temila Subdistrict, Landak Regency, currently prefers to trade Crispy Tofu rather than continuing his profession as a journalist.

After five years working as a journalist, Noto turned to selling Crispy Tofu fried food, due to economic factors. Plus, his eldest son is already in college.

"It's not that I didn't love my previous profession, namely as a journalist, but because of economic demands that made me switch professions to become a Crispy Tofu seller like now, especially since my eldest son has entered college, of course it requires quite a large amount of money," said Noto.

Noto admits that the proceeds from the sale are sufficient to meet the needs of daily life, starting from paying for rented houses, loans and so on.

Tahu Crispy Cak79, located in Putussibau, Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Kalimantan, Indonesia.

"Alhamdulillah, praise God Bang, a good person like Mr. Edy Suhita who is often called Akok is willing to put me selling at his location without renting a penny. In addition, I also thank the loyal customers who have bought my merchandise so far," said the Muallaf man from the Dayak Ahe (Kanayatn) tribe.

Tahu Crispy Cak79, yang berlokasi di Putussibau, Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu. 

The Crispy Tofu is also known as Tahu Cak79, where "Cak" stands for Uncak Kapuas. While 79, is the year of his birth. Tofu Crispy Cak79 is open every day, starting at 16.00 WIB (Afternoon) until evening. (*)

Sunday, January 23, 2022

85 Personnel of the Pontianak Police Train Shooting at the West Kalimantan Regional Police

85 Personnel of the Pontianak Police Train Shooting at the West Kalimantan Regional Police.

BorneoTribun Pontianak, Kalbar - The Pontianak Police are actively carrying out Skill Building Training (Latkatpuan) shooting at the Amdjiatak Shooting Range, Sat Brimob Polda West Kalimantan, Saturday (22/01/2022).

The Latkatpuan shooting activity was attended by 85 Pontianak Polresta personnel and attended by AKBP. N.B. Darma, S.I.K., M.H., as the Deputy Head of the Pontianak Police, the Heads of the Division, Head of Head, Head of the Pontianak Police, and the Kapolsek of the Pontianak Police.

85 Personnel of the Pontianak Police Train Shooting at the West Kalimantan Regional Police.

Pontianak Police Chief, Kombes Pol. Andi Herindra, S.I.K., through the Deputy Chief of Police AKBP. N.B. Darma, S.I.K., M.H., said the shooting was carried out with the aim of increasing the shooting ability of Pontianak Police personnel.

In addition, he also said, at the same time getting shooting certification is one of the requirements to apply for a service firearm holder, in addition to psychological health requirements.

He concluded that this was based on the Telegram Letter Number: ST/12/I/BIN.2.2./2022 dated 20-1-2022 regarding the Jukrah for the implementation of shooting training activities in the context of increasing the ability of Pontianak Police T.A. 2022.

"We carried out Latkatpuan shooting using handheld firearms, both revolvers and pistols to improve the shooting ability of Pontianak Police personnel and to obtain shooting certification as one of the requirements to apply for service rifle holders," said N.B. Dharma.

Further, said N.B. Darma, The shooting skill improvement training was carried out by placing 8 people in each implementation group and carrying out the material provided by the instructor and training companion.

In these shooting practice activities, the AKP acts as an instructor and training companion. Mardiyono from Sat Brimob Polda West Kalimantan, AKP. Suwanto and Iptu Aris Raharajo from the SPN Polda West Kalimantan.

N.B. Darma added that a total of 200 participants who will take part in Latkatpuan shooting will be divided into 2 training sessions.

85 Personnel of the Pontianak Police Train Shooting at the West Kalimantan Regional Police.

He said that the total number of personnel who will take part in the shooting training is 200 personnel which will be divided into 2 sessions, namely today Saturday and tomorrow on Sunday morning.

"With this shooting training, we hope to increase the ability and professionalism of Pontianak Police personnel in terms of using firearms, so that they can act appropriately in dealing with situations in order to provide protection, protection, and service to the community," concluded the Deputy Head of Police, N.B. Dharma.

Source: Humas Polresta Pontianak/WB
Editor: Yakop

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Bengkayang Regent Cleans Up at the Lotus Market

Bengkayang Regent Cleans Up at the Lotus Market
Bupati Bengkayang Bersih-bersih di Pasar Teratai. 

BorneoTribun Bengkayang –  After attending the Simultaneous Planting of a Million Trees at the Green Park of Bangkayang Regency, the Regent of Bengkayang and his entourage looked at while doing a clean-up at the Lotus Market, and its surroundings.

Using the 2021 Budget, the Lotus Market has been reorganized, yesterday (21/1/2022), Bengkayang Regent Sebastianus Darwis, SE.MM and several related OPDs carried out cleaning in a number of markets in Bengkayang City.

"Thank God, the reorganized Lotus Market has been completed. This week, traders of Vegetables, Chicken, Fish and Meat have been able to return to selling at the Lotus market again," concluded the Regent.

The Bengkayang Regent reminded traders to remain orderly and maintain cleanliness in their respective places.

"Development that the local government has made please be guarded and cared for," the Regent ordered. 

Reporter : Rinto Andreas





